Sunday, November 17, 2013


Well Hello there everyone!
let me introduce myself..

it is i.. Lynx Rouluhi Photobucket
I was born in 1990, in Indonesia so please be patient if my English is not good.
i like to sing,even if my voice is baaaad..
i like to write fanfics only when i wanted to, so that is why many unfinish fanfics that i've made.

i looooovee cats!
and i'm madly in love with TOM HIDDLESTON, JOHNNY DEPP, and many more of those beautiful man,Photobucket

i don't like vegetables that much, i'm into carnivore LOL
i don't like banana too, and i don't like cockroaches.

i lived in am Island named JAVA ISLAND (that's in Indonesia)

now i'm curently working after i was graduated from college last December 2012.

you can contact me at my facebook account, or twitter, or youtube channel, or anything you want
just visit the "Contact" page.

See ya!

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